Colonnade Insurance S.A. Branch Office in Hungary
Colonnade Insurance S.A. (Colonnade) is a Luxembourg based non‐life insurance company fully owned by Fairfax and established for a strategic expansion of the Fairfax insurance business in Central & Eastern Europe.
Colonnade Insurance S.A. (Colonnade) is a company registered in Luxembourg, entirely owned by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited,
incorporated for the strategic expansion of Fairfax’s insurance activity in Central and Eastern Europe.
We operate through branches in Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, and a subsidiary in Ukraine.
We offer products for individual and corporate clients, including:
• property and energy insurance,
• liability insurance, including directors and officers liability insurance,
• home, motor, travel and accident insurance.
Branches operate on a decentralized basis but having strong internal culture where market practice leaders share their expertise cross‐branch. The empowered underwriting teams applying a focused underwriting strategy to their markets.
Basic data
Company name: Colonnade Insurance S.A. Magyarországi Fióktelepe
Seat of corporation: 1139 Budapest, Váci út 99. Balance Loft irodaház, 2. emelet.
Year of establishment: 2014
Travel insurance
Main office
1139 Budapest, Váci út 99. Balance Loft irodaház, 2. emelet
+36 1 460 1400
Branch offices
1139 Budapest, Váci út 99. Balance Loft irodaház, 2. emelet
+36 1 460 1400