Tour East Tour Hungary ALL EUROPE INCOMING
Basic data
Company name: Tour East Tour Kft
Seat of corporation: 1023 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja 38.
Managing Director: Kovácsné Drégelyi Ágnes
Year of establishment: 1992
Number of employees: 6
BFKH registration number: R 00268/1992/1999
Tax registration number: 10729870-2-42
Tour East Tour Budapest - since 1992 - is one of Hungary's leading Incoming Tour Operators and Destination Management Companies, handling group, individual, incentive corporate meeting programes for a wide range of travel clients aound the world.
Based on long term, reliable contacts to the providers, the scale of services is wide and individual. The creative team of Tour East Tour will present you HUNGARY as a new and exciting destination.
Our mission is to build trust and long -term partnership with our clients.
The owner and managing director of the company, Mrs Ágnes Drégely is the Vice
President of the Association of Hungarian Travel Agencies (MUISZ) and leader of the Incoming Department of the Association.
Our experience is your success!
Health tourism
Youth tourism
Cultural cruises
Sport tourism
Domestic travel
Incentive travel
Domestic hotel booking
Sightseeing tours
Conference organization
Own program organization
Religious tourism
River cruises
Main office
1077 Budapest, Király u. 51.
+36 1 343 4851