Platinum Travel Solutions Ltd
We offer solutions, not just responses for our clients' traveling needs. Our client's wishes aren't tasks for us to solve but they challenge us to find solutions for traveling ideas providing best quality, best prices in the shortest time possible.
We believe that a reliable travel agency with adequate expertise is necessary, because you need a safe place before, during and after your trip. Our goal is to participate in the lives of our customers throughout the entire cycle of the trip, from planning, booking and implementation, all the way to the travelogue.
The Platinum team is happy when the customer is happy. We won't give up until we find a proper solution for our client.
Basic data
Company name: Platinum Travel Solutions Kft.
Seat of corporation: 1171 Budapest, Pesti út 128536/22.
Managing Director: Borsányi Balázs Ügyvezető Igazgató / Tulajdonos
Year of establishment: 2015
Number of employees: 16
Number of branch offices: 1
BFKH registration number: U-001725
Tax registration number: 25386594-2-42
Bus ticket sales
Cultural cruises
Airplane ticket sales
Sport tourism
Beach holidays
Railway ticket sales
Fly & Drive travels
Incentive travel
Travel insurance
Sightseeing tours
Abroad hotel booking
Main office
1071 Budapest, Damjanich u. 11-15